‘1 in 5’ Season 2 Episode 2: Meet Ignacio Angel
Ignacio Angel has decided to define for himself what success looks like as a college student and father of four. The for-profit trade school he went to, which was later investigated for preying on vulnerable students, never delivered on promises of a job, and landed him in debt. With Lilly’s help, he found a support system designed for fathers who want to pursue higher education called the Alameda County Fathers Corps.

You can read the episode transcript here.
The Alameda County Fathers Corps (ACFC) promotes and supports fathers and father-figures to be meaningfully engaged with their children and families, and advocates for family service providers to provide father-friendly services to assist fathers in strengthening their parenting skills.
Vera Institute for Justice’s Unlocking Potential Initiative aims to expanding high-quality postsecondary education in prison.
Project Rise was created as a financial education resource for individuals looking to find financial independence. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit financial organization, we are committed to providing affordable services to the working class that leads to long-lasting financial success.
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