2Gen Practice Institute Takeaways: Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc
This past April, I had the honor of attending a convening at the Aspen Institute in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where 2Gen (two-generation) practitioners came together and engaged in a captivating two and 1/2 day learning experience: “Learning Strategies and Advancing my Knowledge of 2gen Approaches.” The 2Gen Practice Institute focus remained on one key goal: Unifying Strategies that Keep Children and Families at the Center. The convening was a success! Through the use of powerful and knowledgeable speakers, hands-on activities, site visits, and more, the shared “North Star” vision became very clear: achieving outcomes that align with growth in economic opportunity; increased educational opportunities; and improvement of overall health and well-being for children, parents and families.
The sessions I attended outlined effective approaches from practitioners in the field. They were very concise, yet provided the audience with enough detail so attendees could go back and build systems of implementation to achieve stronger outcomes. One of the most powerful sessions I had the privilege of attending was called “Our Paths” which featured parents who shared their career advancement stories. Hearing these stories of how CAP Tulsa’s coaching the families and working together to build a community of support with the families in their cohort was inspiring. It was evident that these ladies were positively impacted by the support of CAP Tulsa’s 2Gen work. It was also evident how this will change the trajectory of their and their families’ lives, which will continue into future generations.
The Apsen Institute hosted a fun-filled training, creating an environment that fostered learning and inspired and re-energized the “Saints” to push forward daily keeping children and families in the forefront. I extend my gratitude to the Aspen Institute and all involved.
Rebecca Reynolds,
Executive Director
Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc.
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