Accelerate: A Webinar

January 24, 2013 | Events

Ascend at the Aspen Institute, led by Anne Mosle, was delighted to co-host a webinar with the Community Action Project of Tulsa County, known as CAP, led by Ascend Fellow Steven Dow, as well as CAP’s Innovation Lab Director Monica Barczak and’s Co-Lead and Creative Director Patrice Martin

In October 2012, Ascend hosted the inaugural Aspen ThinkXChange, a convening of 150 national cross-sector leaders focused on the promise and potential of two-generation approaches. 

At ThinkXChange, Steven Dow,’s Executive Director Jocelyn Wyatt, and Jackie Bezos of the Bezos Family Foundation participated as panelists in “Designing Above the Line,” in which they discussed their collaborations with on Human-Centered Design and early childhood development. 

The partnership between and CAP was spearheaded by Steven Dow, one of the twenty trailblazers selected as an Ascend Fellow.  The Ascend Fellowship brings together pioneering leaders who are piloting, replicating, and scaling two-generation approaches, enabling them to share knowledge, coordinate their efforts, and translate groundbreaking ideas into action. 

Ascend has developed a close learning relationship with CAP with two site visits to Tulsa in the last two years, and members of the CAP team have participated in Ascend convenings such as ThinkXChange and roundtables on two-generation strategies in education and policy. 

The webinar focused on the recently completed and Tulsa CareerAdvance® project using Human-Centered Design to develop a parent engagement strategy. 

This webinar included a presentation of the project, its findings, and what they mean for engaging parents in a two-generation program.  You can view the slides for the webinar by clicking here.

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