
Originally published in The Huffington Post We opened this week with millions of Americans honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, and we will ...

I recently gave a talk at the LISC National Leadership Conference in Houston, Texas, alongside community development leaders from across the countr...

Last week the Office of Head Start released the much anticipated revision of the Head Start Program Performance Standards (standards). This is the fir...

The March 2016, Making Tomorrow Better Together, report by Ascend at the Aspen Institute was brutally honest on the value of what they calle...

Becoming 2Gen: Ascend Network Partners Respond, Pt. 1 "How do we get started?" is a frequent question Ascend staff receive from organization...

Lessons and Innovations from the 2Gen Field We, as people navigating life, intuitively recognize the value of social capital in helping us reach ou...