
Please join the Aspen Institute and the National Academy for State Health Policy for the release of “The Affordable Care Act: Affording Two-Gene...
September 7, 2014
Two Generations at a Time: A Funders Briefing In partnership with Early Childhood Funders Collaborative; Grantmakers for Children, Youth, and Families...
August 14, 2014
July 25, 2014
Every day, women’s funds and foundations bring the voices and needs of women and girls to the table for social change. And they invest in women-...
June 25, 2014
What is the Network? The Ascend Network is a new network of leading organizations applying two-generation approaches to disrupt poverty and creat...
April 18, 2014
Two-generation programs, which provide workforce development and skills training to parents while their children are engaged in quality early-childhoo...
March 12, 2014