Discussion Guide: Host a Watch Party for the Aspen Forum on Children and Families
Ascend will be livestreaming the second Aspen Forum on Children and Familieson February 26-27, 2019. We invite you to tune in with your colleagues as we talk about how the 2Gen field has progressed and where we’re going with 2Gen leaders from around the country. Pull up your cozy chairs, bring some snacks, and join us for the conversation!
Check out the agenda to note when your favorite topics will be covered over the course of the Forum – from executive director Anne Mosle’s remarks on the state of the 2Gen field, hearing from parents how to meet them where they dream, rich conversations between foundation leaders and state commissioners, new ideas from changemakers, and more.
We would love to share your photos, thoughts, and questions from your watch parties! Tweet us @AspenAscend or send them to us at Lindsay.Broyhill@aspeninstitute.org. Below are draft discussion questions you can use to guide conversation with colleagues.
Discussion Questions
- How can your agency or organization incorporate families’ perspectives in your work?
- What is your organization’s big idea to move families toward opportunity in 2019?
- What strategies and solutions highlighted by speakers could your organization or your state implement for children and families?
- How does the 2Gen approach build well-being and move the families you serve toward opportunity?
- Where is your agency or organization on the 2Gen continuum? Where is your community, and how can you get to the next step?
- How could your organization partner with others to improve outcomes for children and families?
- Making Tomorrow Better Together: Outcomes Guides for practitioners and policymakers
- Activities toolkit:
- 101: Trying on a 2Gen approach
- 201: 2Gen Action Plan
- 301: Community Guide to 2Gen Approaches
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