Stories featuring Michaela Martin

More than half of the nearly 4 million student parents in the U.S. are students of color, with Black, Native, and Latino students among the most likel...
Aspen Postsecondary Success for ParentsSeptember 29, 2022
Michaela Martin was born and raised in rural Oregon. Michaela is passionate about the economic and educational advancement of families and continues a...
Aspen Postsecondary Success for ParentsMarch 8, 2021
Engaging the ideas, perspectives, and expertise of students who are parents is critical to co-creating authentic solutions at the local, state, and na...
BlogJuly 13, 2020
The Aspen Postsecondary Success for Parents (PSP) Initiative is a partnership with Imaginable Futures and the ECMC Foundation to raise awareness about...
Aspen Postsecondary Success for ParentsJuly 13, 2020
In the fall of 2019, I began my first year of law school as a single mother in a new state living in hotels with my son. Now, we are stuck at home hid...
BlogJune 2, 2020

Convenings Featuring Michaela Martin

Postsecondary education and employment pathways are core components of the two-generation (2Gen) approach. This commitment to educational success and economic security is of the utmost importance to single mothers pursuing a postsecondary degree or...
ConveningNovember 16, 2020