Fact Sheet

By The Prosperity Agenda | This tool offers sample language to add to your job description to attract candidates with a coaching mindset. In addition,...
May 9, 2019
In 2013, the Annie E. Casey Foundation launched the Family Economic Success-Early Childhood Education (FES-ECE) initiative to support programs that of...
December 31, 2018
In this presentation from Community Action Partnership, Marjorie Sims, Managing Director of Ascend at the Aspen Institute, provides a comprehensive ov...
April 11, 2018
Ascend Child Support brief
This report shines a light on supportive approaches to noncustodial parenting, specifically by looking at Colorado’s successful CO-PEP program.
April 3, 2018
The Exploration of Integrated Approaches to Supporting Child Development and Improving Family Economic Security project investigated the design and ev...
January 31, 2018
This report leads with 5 principles policymakers should consider when designing evaluation plans for their 2Gen efforts: Measure and account for outco...
October 24, 2017