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What are the Effects of a Two-Generation Human Capital Program on Children's Attendance & Chronic Absence in Head Start?
The current brief explores the effect of a two-generation human capital intervention, CareerAdvance, on children’s outcomes. CareerAdvance, deve...
October 14, 2019
Family Prosperity Innovation Community Index
The Family Prosperity Innovation Community Index is a collection of resources created by Aspen Family Prosperity Innovation Community partners. Since ...
October 10, 2019
Link to resource at the Urban Institute: ...
October 3, 2019
Link to resource at the Urban Institute:
October 3, 2019
Research suggests a growing and significant number of parents both work and attend school. Many of them are young parents who face unique challenges a...
October 1, 2019
More than 40 percent of children in the United States are born to parents who had their first child when they were under age 25. This report from the ...
October 1, 2019