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Ascend Federal Funding Opportunities Brief
Because of recent legislation passed in February and March of this year, the federal government will be providing significant new funding to state and...
July 9, 2018
In 2013, the Annie E. Casey Foundation launched the Family Economic Success-Early Childhood Education (FES-ECE) initiative aimed at helping families d...
June 30, 2018
Ascend Practical Solutions report
The two-generation (2Gen) field is rapidly advancing: scalable and replicable solutions exist and are being expanded. States Leading the Way: Practica...
June 11, 2018
[Video] Ascend’s Two-Generation approach aims to meet the needs of children and families together. This video reviews the components of the 2Gen...
June 5, 2018
BThis report provides key elements of Tennessee’s transformational 2Gen journey, details about the department’s engagement and learning pr...
June 1, 2018
This report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation shares field-tested lessons from five sites across the country that are working to build, adopt, and re...
May 14, 2018