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Tackling Poverty in UT brief
State leaders in Utah are determined to find solutions to intergenerational poverty and strengthen the lives of children and their parents. As Governo...
May 11, 2018
Improving children’s attendance is a high priority for Head Start and other early childhood education programs serving low-income children. We condu...
April 26, 2018
Cliff Effect brief
The cliff, sometimes called the benefits effect, occurs when a family’s income increases above the income eligibility for financial supports. In...
April 23, 2018
In this presentation from Community Action Partnership, Marjorie Sims, Managing Director of Ascend at the Aspen Institute, provides a comprehensive ov...
April 11, 2018
Ascend Child Support brief
This report shines a light on supportive approaches to noncustodial parenting, specifically by looking at Colorado’s successful CO-PEP program.
April 3, 2018
This toolkit offers program managers, policymakers, educators, activists, evaluators, and other practitioners a framework and measures for effectively...
April 1, 2018