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Ascend at the Aspen Institute publication on the potential for early childhood programs and partnerships to support children and their parents togethe...

Ascend at the Aspen Institute overview of Aspen Forum on Innovations in Early Childhood. December 2013.

Implementation, Systems and Outcome Evaluation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants to Serve TANF Recipients and Other Low-income Individuals. ...

Various Supports for Low-Income Families Reduce Poverty and Have Long-Term Positive Effects On Families and Children. By Arloc Sherman, Danilo Trisi, ...

By Anthony P. Carnevale, Tamara Jayasundera, Andrew R. Hanson. Georgetown University Public Policy Institute. September 2012.

By Cynthia Miller, Victoria Deitch, Aaron Hill. The Employment Retention and Advancement Project. MDRC. November 2010.