Top 10 for 2-Gen: Principles for Action and Lessons from Bipartisan Polling
Two-generation policy opportunities, ones that improve outcomes for both children and parents at the same time, are emerging at every level of government. Cities, states, and federal agencies are examining how these opportunities can strengthen their efforts to create a new cycle of opportunity for families. What are the top 10 policy ideas for two generations? How does the public perceive these solutions? Where will there be the greatest momentum – and the biggest challenge? Join Ascend Executive Director Anne Mosle and Lake Research Partners principal Celinda Lake for a November 7 webinar on “Top 10 for 2-Gen,” a new report from Ascend at the Aspen Institute highlighting the principles and policy ideas of two generation strategies. We will also share fresh bipartisan polling data highlighting the power of two-generation solutions to advance opportunity for children and parents.
In the webinar, you will learn:
· how six key principles guide and inform two-generation practice and policy ideas;
· what the public thinks about two-generation solutions; and
· the lessons this framework offers for outreach and communicating about your work
When: Friday, November 7, 12:00 pm – 1:00pm ET
Featured Speakers include Anne Mosle, Ascend at the Aspen Institute and Celinda Lake, Lake Research Partners, among others.
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