Webinar: Creating a 2Gen Campus – Innovations in Postsecondary Education
Student parents compose at least a quarter of all undergraduate students in the U.S. Yet for these students, access and completion of a college degree or certificate often requires a strong support system. Programming that provides educational and skills training while seeking to address family needs helps both children and parents reach positive educational and economic outcomes.
Please join us for the next Ascend webinar, "Creating a 2Gen Campus: Innovations in Postsecondary Education." Ascend Network leaders will discuss 2Gen programs on their campuses that support student parents and their families, increasing their opportunities for successful completion of studies. Speakers will also identify the opportunities and challenges of incorporating two-generation approaches in higher education.
Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4169213223208744450
- Erika Endrijonas, President, and Marni Roosevelt, Director, Family Resource Center, Los Angeles Valley College
- Autumn Green, Director, Center for Residential Student Parent Programs & Keys to Degrees Replication, Endicott College
- Anna Grimes, Student, Keys to Degrees, Endicott College
- Kathie Winograd, President, Central New Mexico Community College
- Moderated by Marissa Mahoney, Program Associate, Ascend at the Aspen Institute
Together, we will work to answer the outstanding question: What tools and practices can provide the support student parents need to successfully access and complete postsecondary education?
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