WEBINAR: The Father Factor: A Critical Link in Building Family Prosperity
Ascend and the GOOD+ Foundation share a commitment to the prosperity and well- being of children and their parents. In working to build pathways to opportunity for families, we have always supported the dreams of mothers and their children. As our work has evolved, we have come to better understand the need to invest in fathers as well.
This webinar highlights how leaders across the country are reshaping narratives to elevate the importance of mothers and fathers, reimagining public policy and systems to work for 21st-century families, and building bridges to connect justice-involved families to opportunity as they re-enter our communities.
- Tony Vinson, Recruitment and Intake Specialist, D.C. Central Kitchen
- Jessica Bartholow, Policy Advocate, Western Center on Law & Poverty
- Joe Jones, Founder and President & CEO, Center for Urban Families
Check out the webinar recording here.
Speakers explored needs to reshape narratives to elevate the importance of mothers and fathers, reimagine public policy and systems to work for 21st-century families, and build bridges to connect justice-involved families to opportunity as they re-enter our communities.
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