
There are approximately 10 million residents in Los Angeles County, California (LA County) of which nearly 49,000 are young parents between the ages o...
April 25, 2023
Research suggests that two-generation (2Gen) approaches can help interrupt the economic and social barriers to many families’ economic mobility ...
March 1, 2023
Ascend 2Gen FactSheet Cover
Two-generation (2Gen) approaches build family well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives toget...
January 11, 2023
Enclosed in this Zip file are two graphics Ascend often uses to convey the two-generation (2Gen) approach to breaking the intergenerational cycle of p...
June 8, 2022
A one-page overview description of “What is 2Gen?” and its core components.
September 30, 2020
By The Prosperity Agenda | This tool offers sample language to add to your job description to attract candidates with a coaching mindset. In addition,...
May 9, 2019